WSS 2.0 Fast Installation

After so many trials with installation of Windows Sharepoint Services 2.0 , I got so many problems , once I found my Default website corrupted , so away from Frontpage extensions problems and that stuff I will tell you a workaround to avoid any collapse to IIS, I will not talk about the installation prerequisities and that stuff I asume that you know you run Windows 2003 ( any edition ).
So you will need to do the following :
  1. Strat/Run.
  2. type inetmgr , this will open IIS manager.
  3. right click default website and change the port number to 90 ( any number other than 80 ).
  4. right click websites and create a new website call it for example WSS.
  5. assign WSS website a port number 80.
  6. run setup.
  7. select Typicall installation.
  8. it will take up to 5 minutes or more and you will get many command line scripts running.
  9. after you finish replace port numbers assign 80 for the default website and 90 to WSS.
  10. you can use this url to run WSS http://localhost:90/default.aspx

Have fun with WSS.

Why Software Projects Fail ?!!

I don't know but every company suffers this problem why software projects fail , you know the famous triangle of cost-time-quality ; and cost includes both people and machines or some required software to assist or make delivery of the project faster , anyway I think that there is no utopian management even in MicroSoft itself with all the buzz of MSF , they postpone their projects for example Windows Longhorn , Whidbey , and all the open applications to be delivered , I attended a demo about Whidbey at MS Egypt and the presenter said that " we'll not deliver ObjectSpaces in this release !! " I don't know why even I told him that it's already done so why .. ! actually nobody knows what is going on behind the scenes so here I open this discussion to know why projects fail ?! you should say right based on your own experience and we'll disccuss ..Thanks!

RapTier Code Generator

Today I had a fast visit at the start of the day to the RapTier code generator website , and I liked the idea of the toolbox-like menu to the left.
RapTier is a database based code generators that mainly generates a CRUD ( Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) from the database tables , it generates Winforms and Webforms which I found cool , but these days most of the code generators available adhere to this feature, the feature I found cool to is Mono Compatiblity , the applications generated can be run on Mono , Mono is an abstraction open source project made to make .net applications runnable on Linux OS.
RapTier generates Stored Procedures, database documentation, it supports a variety of database engines as
  • MS SQL Server
  • MSDE
  • Oracle
  • Sybase ASE
  • Sybase SQL Anywhere
  • MySQL
  • MS Access
  • FoxPro

You can write your own templates an ASP-like code, RapTier also generates Transactional Code but the code generated is ADO.NET transactional not COM+ .

RapTier is available with 3 Editions RapTier Lite, Professional , and Enterprise. the lite edition is distrubited for free which I have just downloaded and played with it for a couple of minutes I used Northwind database on my localhost. and I found RapTier is so simple to use. you can simple make your DB connection and you decide which VS.NET version you're running which is cool too , then you generate code you will get 2 apps within one solution and a sprocs file which you should run right from your query analyzer before running your application.

I opened the solution file and I run first the webapplication then the windows one , it is simple and straight forward but it misses the relational nature I mean for the orders table in northwind db you cannot get the child order items , I think that this is so odd !.

Anyway I am taken totally by CodeSmith which is the best code generator I ever seen you will find a repository of templates that will satisfy your needs.

Community Sever is released

Have a look at Community Server , you can get more info about CS at Telligent Systems

My First Code Project Contributions !

Hey all, you can review my first & second articles on codeproject on this URL , I hope you like it , please rate it and leave comment if you like it thanks a lot

Part One : Blogs,RSS News feeders, and ATOM [ Part One ]

Part Two : Blogs,RSS News feeders, and ATOM [ Part Two ]